
You can create a header using the <header> tag. Headers will not have a background color. They will enlarge text wrapped inside them. Headers are recommended for home and landing pages.

    I'm a header!


Declass's headers have a 5 pixel thick bottom border.

# <hgroup>

To get rid of extra padding, you can wrap the text inside of the header in an <hgroup> tag.

      I'm a header without a ton of padding.

# <center>

Wrapping the content of the header inside of a <center> tag will center it.

      I'm a centered header.
Support Chrome Safari Firefox Edge Opera
Headers 5+ 5+ 4+ 12+ 11.5+
<hgroup> 5+ 5+ 4+ 12+ 11.5+
<center> All All All All All

Information for this support table comes from Can I Use.