--color variable

When you first install Freshclass, your site will have no color. Below you can see an example of how a page like that looks:

404 page with no color

Not very good-looking, right? Well, in this tutorial, we will be teaching you how to turn that black-and-white site into something like this, a good looking mix of bright, dark, and vibrant:

404 page with color

But how do you do it? The answer is to add a style attribute to your <body> with a --color variable in it, as such:

<body style="--color: red">
  <!-- Replace red with the color of your choice -->

# Color Template

A prime feature added in version 1 was the addition of a color template. If you want to use one of our special colors, then type one of the codes below as your --color:


This is the default color. Using var(--black) instead of just black will break your site in dark mode.

The hex code for this color is #000000


The hex code for this color is #F13939


The hex code for this color is #F66E3B


The hex code for this color is #F19B26


The hex code for this color is #EDC022


The hex code for this color is #F3ED1D


The hex code for this color is #C9F31D


The hex code for this color is #1BC139


The hex code for this color is #25C197


The hex code for this color is #0C67F2


The hex code for this color is #5C0CF2


The hex code for this color is #A730F9


The hex code for this color is #F743BB

You can have fun with the colors and see how they all look on a <div> element.

You can also apply the --color variable to other elements, which overrides the original page color:

<div style="--color: var(--red)">
    This text is red, which usually means danger.
Support Chrome Safari Firefox Edge Opera
--color 49+ 9.1+ 31+ 16+ 36+

Information for this support table comes from Can I Use.